Notepad++ python script unknown exception
Notepad++ python script unknown exception

It's lightweight, a 2MB download, it doesn't start up until it's needed (which normally takes about 0.2 seconds), and it doesn't start anything extra (like ( 'compiler.exe "%s"' % newFilename, editor ) new () # Run a command on the file, and output results to the new file console. write ( "Saved as %s\n" % newFilename ) # Create a new document notepad. saveAs ( newFilename ) # Write to the console window console. getCurrentFilename () + ".changed" notepad.

notepad++ python script unknown exception notepad++ python script unknown exception

appendText ( "Changed codes\r\n" ) # Save the file newFilename = notepad. rereplace ( r"^()-\1", r"CODE: \1" ) # Call a Scintilla function editor. replace ( "old", "new" ) # Regular expressions search and replace editor.

  • Full documentation for all the objects and methods.
  • Start external programs and pipe the output direct to a Notepad++ document, or filter it, or simply to the console window.
  • Full regular expression support for search and replace - script Python regular expression replaces.
  • Process Notepad++ and Scintilla events, direct from a Python script.
  • Assign menu items, shortcuts and toolbar icons to scripts.
  • Full programmatic access to all of Scintilla features.
  • notepad++ python script unknown exception

  • Full programmatic access to Notepad++ features and menus.
  • Python Script for Notepad++ The scripting plugin

    Notepad++ python script unknown exception